Sunday, March 20, 2016

Control Your Clutter! e-book by Theresa Smith

Control Your Clutter!: You don't have to get rid of EVERYTHING! Even hoarders will succeed with this method! Kindle Edition by Theresa Smith. This e-book is available for free with KindleUnlimited or it can be purchased for $2.99.

Amused by the tag line "Even hoarders will succeed with this method," this book caught my attention. Appealing to the lowest common denominator works - just look at how many "For Dummies" books sell!   The kiddo clutter and chaos has been getting to me lately, so I am down for anything that will "help me reclaim a a calm, stress-free life."

The book is easy to read and easy to understand. The first concept breaks items into into a need or a want.  Ask yourself how frequently you use the item, if you already own something else that will serve that same purpose and do you have room for the item.  Frequently used needs find a place in your home and infrequently used needs are stored. Wants find a home or are donated, sold, or tossed.  Kept items that are not used within six months need to go.  Items not used in a year definitely need to go.

There is a system to figure out how many beautiful things you love that you can keep and under what display conditions.  The books covers how to store things and how to organize and maintain the storage inventory.  Specific rooms cleaning and organizing strategies are also discussed.

The e-book is a quick read.  The author also provides this link to their blog for additional information.  You can connect with her here on Instagram.

You can order yours here!


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